The Stories of Finnish art - emotions, history, beauty

The Wounded Angel by Hugo Simberg. Ateneum Art Museum
The Wounded Angel is one of the most famous and at the same time one of the most touching piece of art by the Finnish artist Hugo Simberg. Two young boys are carrying a wounded angel girl on a stretcher. The painting was painted in 1903. The artist had been ill and was recovering from his illness. He didn't expalin the painting, he only wanted that the work would raise emotions of the viewers.

Out into the World by Maria Wiik.
The painting is one of the treasures of National Gallery in the exhibition The Stories of Finnish Art. In the Ateneum Art Museum in Helsinki was opened last spring the new collection of Finnish Art from 1809 to the 1970s. There are about 350 pieces of a high level art.

Now The National Gallery has opened up the rights to works that are no longer under copyright protection. In Europe works of art copyright is valid for 70 years after the artist's death.
48 pictures have been opened of the oldest works in the collection that are part of the Sinebrychoff Art Museum of the old European art collection. In addition  in the Flickr album there are 10 pictures of the  collections of the Ateneum Art Museum.
One of them is The Luxembourg Gardens, Paris by Albert Edelfelt. It was painted 1887. The painting describes playing children and their nannies in a sweet way. Those days Paris was the center of European art life.

The Luxembourg Gardens by Albert Edelfelt.
Very charming is also Maria Wiik's painting Out into the World. It was painted in St Ives in 1889. A young woman is about to leave her home to earn her living.


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